Joining the Mozilla Science Lab!

Breaking news: I’ve joined the über-talented team at the Mozilla Science Lab as lead developer! I’ll be leading technical prototyping efforts and engaging the community about our technical projects.

Why Mozilla Science Lab? #


The Mozilla Science Lab is a new initiative that will help researchers around the world use the open web to shape science’s future.

I have unashamedly fallen in love with the ideals of open source and open science. I’m enamored with what openness means and what it could look like in the scientific community.

The need for openness in research is there: I’ve seen the struggles of data sharing, the fear of collaborating and the uncertainty of best practices. It leaves you with duplicated efforts and more file types than you can count. On the other hand, I’ve witnessed the beauty of open source software driving analysis and innovation within a community. I’ve watched ideas spark when communication lines open up. The time I spent at OICR and WormBase introduced me to openness in science in a tangible way – and it looks good.

I joined the Mozilla Science Lab because I love their mission of making the web work for science. This group has the power and means to change the culture within the research community.

There is incredible potential when you apply a movement that wants to “build the internet the world needs” to scientific research – a discipline that desperately needs an open internet to build on, but doesn’t quite know it yet.

What Now? #

It’s been a few days since I joined Mozilla and I’m already inspired by the community and Mozillians surrounding me. These people gathered around a shared mission – one that has and will continue to change the world we live in.

In the Science Lab, I’m getting to know the different people and projects involved (more on the projects soon!). These efforts would be nothing without the community (ie YOU). From researchers to developers to educators, we are here to help you learn, build and connect to others with the same mission.

So come! Help us make research more like the web: open, collaborative and accessible.

Join us: community call, mailing list, @MozillaScience. And of course, you can always reach me on twitter @abbycabs.


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