Big Data in Biology  

I attended the Keystone Symposia Conference: Big Data in Biology as the Conference Assistant last week. I set up an Etherpad during the meeting to take live notes during the sessions. I’ve compiled all the abstracts, notes and slides (where available) here. Shout-out to David Kuo for helping edit the notes.

Warning: These notes are somewhat incomplete and mostly written in broken english

Complete schedule of talks #

Large-scale Cancer Genomics #

Lincoln Stein, Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, Canada

Opening Remarks

David Haussler, University of California, Santa Cruz, USA

Keynote - Large-scale Cancer Genomics -

Databases and Clouds #

Laura Clarke, European Bioinformatics Institute, UK

The 1000 Genomes Project, Community Access and Management for Large Scale Public Data -

Dan Stanzione, University of Texas at Austin, USA

The iPlant Collaborative: Cyberinfrastructure for 21st Century Biology -

Jill P. Mesirov, Broad Institute, USA

GenomeSpace: A Community Web Environment for Genomic Analysis Across Diverse Bioinformatic Tools -

Ronald C. Taylor, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA (replaced by Francis Ouellette)

FGED: The Functional Genomics Data Society -

Andrew Carroll, DNAnexus, USA

Insights from the Genomic Analysis of 10,940 Exomes and 3,751 Whole Genomes Demystifying Running at Scale and the Scientific -

Michael Schatz, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, USA

The Next 10 Years of Quantitative Biology -

Panel: Big Data Challenges and Solutions: Control Access to Individual Genomes #

Doreen Ware (moderator), David Haussler, Laura Clarke, Jill P. Mesirov, Andrew Carroll, Lincoln D. Stein, Mark Gerstein

Personal Genomes #

Lincoln D. Stein, Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, Canada

The International Cancer Genome Consortium Database -

Ajay Royyuru, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA

Genome Analytics with IBM Watson -

Mark Gerstein, Yale University, USA

Human Genome Analysis -

Stuart Young, Annai Systems Inc., USA

The BioCompute Farm: Colocated Compute for Cancer Genomics -

Adam Butler, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, UK

Short Talk: Pan-Cancer Analysis of Somatic Variation from Whole Genome ICGC / TCGA Datasets -

Maya M. Kasowski, Yale University, USA

Short Talk: Extensive Variation in Chromatin States Across Humans -

Robert L. Grossman, University of Chicago, USA

Short Talk: An Overview of the Bionimbus Protected Data Cloud -

Imaging/Parmacogenomics #

Susan Sunkin, Allen Institute for Brain Science, USA

Allen Brain Atlas: An Integrated Neuroscience Resource -

Jason R. Swedlow, University of Dundee, Scotland

The Open Microscopy Environment: Open Source Image Informatics for the Biological Sciences -

Douglas P. W. Russell, University of Oxford, UK

Short Talk: Decentralizing Image Informatics -

John Overington, European Molecular Biology Laboratory, UK

Spanning Molecular and Genomic Data in Drug Discovery -

Closing Session #

Michael Schatz, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, USA

The Next 10 Years of Quantitative Biology -


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